
Driving improvement is a constant challenge for organizations. SMG can supply you with the technical and business expertise to simplify that challenge, whatever business you are in.
Providing independent, 2nd and 3rd party certified assessment services.

A Management System program offers a step-by-step approach aimed at providing you with confidence in your system’s capability to meet the needs of the organization and your customers. This process addresses the philosophies of good management practice covered by the Standard.

In addition, our unique Business Assurance approach can really give your business the edge by turning the assessment process into a powerful management tool to improve and protect performance. By understanding what really matters to your organization and stakeholders, we can help you improve your management system – and in turn your business – at the same time.



1. Application & Project Planning:
An early application is advised to enable us to plan and adjust our service ‎delivery process to best suit the needs and expectations of your ‎organization. Upon receiving your filled application, you will be contacted ‎by our Client Services team to discuss timeframes for audits and assist ‎and liaise, where possible, with any retail supplier requirements. ‎

2.‎ Stage 1 Audit:‎

This involves an on-site assessment of selected policies, procedures and ‎safety practices already in place. This visit will familiarize the auditor with ‎your facilities and identify where your management system meets the ‎requirements against the specified scope Opportunities for improvement ‎will be highlighted, and recommendations made regarding the next stage ‎of the process. The Stage 1 Audit will provide your management and staff ‎with the opportunity to discuss any problems or improvements, and ‎address other queries regarding the Stage 2 Certification Audit process.
These activities will essentially test the system’s state of readiness for ‎Certification and provide input to the planning of Stage 2 Audit.‎

3.‎ Stage 2 Certification Audit & Registration:‎

The Certification Audit is a detailed full system assessment, which ‎verifies conformance of the Principles of the required standard.
When the management system documentation and practices effectively ‎satisfy the requirements, then implementation is deemed to be effective ‎and certification will be recommended.‎

Where areas do not comply against the requirements an NCR (non-‎conformance report), the Certification Authority, SMG Certification ‎Services, is the body that makes the final certification decisions and ‎issues certificates of conformity. ‎

Approval of the recommendation for certification will result in the issue of ‎a Certificate of Registration, valid for a three-year term (subject to ongoing ‎compliance demonstrated at the prescribed number of surveillance audits ‎during the license period). ‎

Your organization’s certification details will then be added to SMG ‎Register of Certified Companies. An annual License Fee applies, ‎covering the costs of licensing, accreditations and use of the SMG Mark.‎

Where it is required by law or by relevant Regulatory Authority, SMG shall provide the information about certifications granted, suspended, or withdrawn to the Regulatory Authority.

4.‎ Certification Maintenance

Once certification is achieved, the organization will be required to ‎undergo periodic Surveillance Audits to ensure the system is being ‎maintained. The intention is to provide feedback on system performance.‎

Surveillance Audit frequency will be based on audit performance as well ‎as accreditation and any retailer supplier requirements.‎


5.‎ Re-Certification Audit:‎
The Re-Certification Audit is a 67% system assessment, which verifies ‎conformance of the management system to the requirements of the ‎Standard.
Any issues identified in the S2 or M3 activities will also be reviewed to ‎ensure they have been appropriately addressed.‎

When the management system documentation and practices effectively ‎satisfy the Standard’s requirements, then implementation is deemed to be ‎effective and re-certification will be recommended for continued ‎registration.
Approval of the recommendation for certification will result in the issue of ‎a Certificate of Re-Registration, valid for a three-year term (subject to ‎ongoing compliance demonstrated at the prescribed number of ‎surveillance audits during the license period). ‎

Your organization’s certification details will then be added to SMG ‎Register of Certified Companies. An annual License Fee applies, ‎covering the costs of licensing, accreditations and use of the SMG Mark. ‎

A NCR (non-conformance report) is where a requirement of the criteria or ‎standard to be met cannot be verified. In the event of an NCR being ‎issued during your audit a corrective action process will commence. The ‎auditor will explain how SMG will follow up and clear the NCR.‎

The auditor will be required to close out the NCR either on or off site. This ‎is a chargeable activity known as a Follow-up Audit. The severity of the ‎NCR will determine if the follow up activity is conducted on or off site. The ‎auditor will advised at the time of raising the NCR how much time will be ‎required to close out the NCR.‎

Certification Standards

ISO 9001‎

ISO 9001 is the international quality management system (QMS) standard that can help any sized organisation...

ISO 10002‎

The Customer Satisfaction standard ISO 10002 helps organizations to identify, manage and understand how...

BS 10012

The protection of personal information is a hot topic that’s never out of the papers. Customers frequently n...

ISO 55001

ISO 55001 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an organization’s a...

OHSAS 18001

OHSAS 18001 was developed in response to industry demand for a recognizable health and safety management system standard which can be externally assessed and certified. However, OHSAS 18001 is changing...

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 , Occupational health and safety management systems is designed for organizations of all sizes, sectors and locations. It aims to reduce the 2.78 million work-related deaths and 374 million non-fatal...

ISO 14001

Environmental Management System certification to the ISO 14001 standard helps organizations demonstrate an ongoing commitment to improving your environmental performance. An ISO 14001 certified EMS focuses...

ISO 50001

ISO 50001:2018 now reflects Annex SL, the high-level structure for all new and revised ISO standards and helps bring energy management and continual improvement into the core of an organization. The...

BRCGS Certification

Elevate Your Food Business with BRCGS Certification Are you looking to enhance your food safety standards,...

FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 represents a comprehensive approach to food safety risk management throughout the food supply...

ISO 22000

ISO 22000 food safety management systems is an international standard which specifies the requirements...

ISO 22005

Food producers, manufacturers, and retailers address the management of food safety and quality through...


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) techniques are increasingly being used in the food industry...


Food Safety Modernization Act: A regulatory-driven shift from responding to contamination to preventing...


GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) establishes the operational conditions and requirements necessary...


GHP compliance covers the minimum sanitary and hygiene practices for food processors, such as hotels...


IFS can be used for various stages of production, and our newly developed standards can now also be applied...

Global Gap

GlobalGAP is a private certification body that develops voluntary standards for the certification of...


The Standards Halal Quality Control Standard 1001, Halal Products – General Requirements for Halal F...


Your food choices have a lasting effect on your family and shape their eating habits, but shopping can...

ISO 20000-1

Many of an organisation’s key operational processes rely on IT and changes within these processes require c...

ISO 27001:2022

It is becoming ever more important to protect your organization’s data or that of your customers. Implementing a...

ISO 27017

ISO/IEC 27017 is the international standard on Information technology – Security techniques – Code of ...

ISO 27018

ISO 27018 is the international standard for cloud security management, providing a robust, internationally...

PCI Compliance

PCI DSS is applicable to all organizations that accept, process, store or transmit payment card information....


Failure to manage cyber security risks leaves organisations open to cyber-attacks and costly data breaches. Managed...
ISO 26000

ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is an international guidance document on social responsibility. It provides an organisation with an outline of the principles and core subjects that it should be managing to ensure it identifies and manages a number of societal risks and impacts. Benefits...
ISO 29001

ISO 29001

ISO 29001 certification is the quality management standard for organisations working within the oil, gas and petrochemical industry supply chain. ISO/TS 29001:2010 provides additional requirements to ISO 9001 specifically intended for the petroleum, petrochemical...
ISO 22716

ISO 22716

ISO 22716 Provides guidelines to organizations for the production, control, storage and distribution of cosmetic products. Certification to ISO 22716 allows organisations to demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding quality and safety for their customers...
ISO 18788

ISO 18788

The importance of ISO 18788 stands on the ability of the organization to detect appropriate legal and regulatory guidelines and also support business functions and the supply chain. This standard is appropriate for any kind of organization involved in...
ISO 21001

ISO 21001

ISO 21001 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization which provides management tools for organizations that offer educational products and services. It intends to help educational providers meet student’s r...
ISO 37001

ISO 37001

ISO 37001 is the new international standard for an anti-bribery management systems, replacing BS 10500 in October 2016. ISO 37001 certification will enable your organization to implement controls that will help your organization to prevent, detect ...
ISO 22301

ISO 22301

ISO 22301 introduces a requirement for metrics for business continuity management, as well as additional emphasis for BCMS operational planning and setting controls. Using industry best practice guide as a foundation, the standard has been introduced...

ISO 13485

A quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. This International Standard can also be used...


The MDSAP or Medical Device Single Audit Program is a program for companies that sell product in multiple countries. MDSAP is especially designed for organizations operating with multiple sites and in multiple markets. MDSAP is a way that medical device...

Accredited Standards Certification