Many of an organisation’s key operational processes rely on IT and changes within these processes require changes to the IT systems – affecting hardware, software, communications and support. This is the realm of IT Service Management and the scope of ISO 20000.
The standard, ISO/IEC 20000-1 formerly known as BS 15000, is applicable to all sizes of organisations who are involved in the management, including outsourcing, of their own IT systems and organisations providing IT service management services to their customers. Its focus is on delivering good and improving services to users.
Benefits of ISO 20000-1
- Comprehensive – this approach will ensure that you have all that is necessary to meet the needs of your IT system users and your business to help ensure your IT services are efficient and effective
- Demonstrate best practice – the standard is based on the work done by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) and the internationally accepted IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to give the user confidence that real benefits will be brought to the way your IT Services are managed.
- Management system based – the basis of the standard is the Plan Do Check Act cycle common with other management system standards enabling you to operate an integrated system thereby reducing duplication and costs
- Confidential – a key requirement for some organizations where data is sensitive