Business Improvement

Business Improvement

Your business is unique. Its needs, goals and objectives are different than any other organization. This differentiates you and gives you a business advantage, but may also require a customized approach to the way your business processes and programs are identified, managed, measured and improved upon.

SMG business improvement solutions are focused on delivering client value by offering a variety of tools and techniques to identify the right solution for your business. Once we have assessed your needs, we can then identify the most appropriate methods to equip you with the relevant knowledge and implement the recommended improvement initiatives.

Risk Management & Business Improvement Solutions

Supplier Qualification System

Establishing a robust supplier qualification management is not only desirable, but ‎also critical in today’s complex and fast-paced business environment. It is vital for ‎organizations to cultivate cordial relationships with global suppliers, and build a ‎sustainable supplier governance foundation with well-defined metrics and ‎parameters around quality and compliance.
For more details send us your inquiry

Internal Audit Function Establishment

You main benefits of having a good system of internal controls are:‎
• Helping protect assets and reduce the possibility of fraud
• Improving efficiency in operations
• Increasing financial reliability and integrity
• Ensuring compliance with laws and statutory regulations
• Establishing monitoring procedures

Internal audit is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control ‎processes that have been established by management.‎
For more details send us your inquiry

EFQM Assessments – European Foundation Quality Management

The EFQM Excellence Model allows people to understand the cause and effect ‎relationships between what their organization does (the Enablers) and the Results ‎it achieves. ‎
The Model is non-prescriptive and can be applied to any organisation, regardless ‎of size, sector or maturity. ‎
To achieve sustained success, any organisation needs strong leadership and ‎clear strategic direction. They need to develop and improve their people, ‎partnerships and processes to deliver value-adding products and services to their ‎customers.‎
For more details send us your inquiry

Full Time Equivalent Calculation

Our team will compare existing staffing levels to those identified as required within ‎the mapped processes and in terms of tasks and man power. Disparities between ‎the two will be highlighted so that appropriate action can be taken to optimize ‎staffing and other resource allocations. The calculation will include both, the ‎duration and elapsed time of activities included in the processes.
For more details send us your inquiry

Health Care Services (Hospital and Health Care Centers Accreditation)

Patients are the biggest beneficiary. Accreditation results in high quality of care ‎and patient safety. The patients get services by credential medical staff. Rights of ‎patients are respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated. ‎Let us help you in accrediting your health Care facility.
For more details send us your inquiry

Integrated Management System Software – 4Es

Process Management System, which is a solution that aims to provide proper planning, support, implementation, and control of all internal processes, procedures and policies; and makes sure it abides to standards of choice (international/internal).


Fast and secure

Benefits of 4Es

  • Process documentation support to update and distributing procedures
  • Assure compliance to your standards
  • Management by objective
  • Identify non conformities
  • Follow up your corrective actions implementation
  • Dig out the root causes for non-conformities
  • Auditing and Inspection Management
  • Incident Management
  • Custom Development
  • Project Observation
  • Risk Management

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Accredited Standards Certification