Transfer your existing certification to SMG‎

Transferring your management system certification to SMG is simple, if you ‎hold an accredited certification with another body, and you decide to make the ‎move, we will ensure the transfer is as smooth as possible.‎

Benefits of transferring to SMG

No annual application fee

Assurance of qualified assessors with knowledge of your industry sector

Unique Business Assurance approach allows assessments to be tailored ‎to the specific needs of your management system and business.‎

What’s involved?

Transferring your certification will typically involve a review of ‎the status of your current certificate status in order to plan future assessment visits. ‎Typically, we would look at the following:‎

Changes to The Organization and Management System

Internal and external audit reports

Status of the NCRs if any

Corrective and Preventive Actions

Management Review

Current Certification, Standards and Scope

Surveillance Program

Accredited Standards Certification