Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 45001:2018

Scope: Planning and execution of projects related to site preparation, road and bridge construction, infrastructure and electromechanical works

Certificate number:SA-10022-OHSMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 03 July 2027


Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 14001:2015

Scope: Planning and execution of projects related to site preparation, road and bridge construction, infrastructure and electromechanical works

Certificate number: SA-10013-EMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 26 June 2027


Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC- Head Office

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope: Planning and execution of projects related to site preparation, road and bridge construction, infrastructure and electromechanical works

Certificate number: SA-10121-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 19 April 2027


Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC – Batch Plants (CP6 / AP2):

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope: Production of asphalt and Concrete

Certificate number: SA-10121-1-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 19 April 2027


Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC – Batch Plants at Zeta Area:

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope:  Production of asphalt and Concrete

Certificate number: SA-10121-2-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 19 April 2027


Customer name:  Saudi Pan Kingdom – SAPAC – Trojena Batching Plant Site:

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope:  Production of asphalt and Concrete

Certificate number: SA-10121-3-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 19 April 2027