Customer name: PT. PRIMERA ENERSIA

Country: Indonesia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope: Provision of General Construction & Maintenance Services for Mechanical and Electrical Works

Certificate number: ID-10064-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 26 January 2027



Customer name: PT. PRIMERA ENERSIA

Country: Indonesia

Standard: ISO 14001:2015

Scope: Provision of General Construction & Maintenance Services for Mechanical and Electrical Works

Certificate number: ID-10029-EMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 26 January 2027 



Customer name: PT. PRIMERA ENERSIA

Country: Indonesia

Standard: ISO 45001:2018

Scope: Provision of General Construction & Maintenance Services for Mechanical and Electrical Works

Certificate number: ID-10043-OHSMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 26 January 2027