Customer name:  LOGICONS LTD.

Country: Republic of Seychelles

Standard:  ISO 9001:2015

Scope: Provision of government election supplies (indelible ink, ballot boxes, polling kits items, polling stations items, security seals, security bags, holograms, permanent marker and other election components)

Certificate number:  SEY-10000-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date:  06 May 2022


Customer name:  LOGICONS LTD.

Country: Republic of Seychelles

Standard:  ISO 14001:2015

Scope:  Provision of government election supplies (indelible ink, ballot boxes, polling kits items, polling stations items, security seals, security bags, holograms, permanent marker and other election components)

Certificate number: SEY-10000-EMS

Certificate Expiry Date:  06 May 2022