Customer name:  Lamina Company ltd.

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 9001:2015

Scope: Production of Aluminium foils with different sizes and specifications, aluminium container oriented for restaurants and retail market, household utensils, paper cups and bowls in various sizes and formation of plain and printed paper bags, white and brown.

Certificate number: SA-10119-QMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 07 November 2025


Customer name:  Lamina Company ltd.

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 14001:2015

Scope: Production of Aluminium foils with different sizes and specifications, aluminium container oriented for restaurants and retail market, household utensils, paper cups and bowls in various sizes and formation of plain and printed paper bags, white and brown and paper tissues and folding carton

Certificate number: SA-10018-EMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 13 March 2026


Customer name:  Lamina Company ltd.

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Standard: ISO 45001:2018

Scope: Production of Aluminium foils with different sizes and specifications, aluminium container oriented for restaurants and retail market, household utensils, paper cups and bowls in various sizes and formation of plain and printed paper bags, white and brown and paper tissues and folding carton

Certificate number: SA-10028-OHSMS

Certificate Expiry Date: 13 March 2026