Customer name:  Al Rifai Roastery S.A.L

Country: Lebanon

Standard: ISO 22005:2007

Scope: Design, production, packing (tins, bags, trays) of raw, fried and roasted nuts and kernels for the export and domestic market and distribution to branches, hotels, catering establishment and restaurants.

Certificate number: LB-10053-FSMS

Certificate Expiry Date:  10 May 2024


Customer name:  Al Rifai Roastery S.A.L

Country: Lebanon

Standard: ISO 22000:2018

Scope: Design, production, packing (tins, bags, trays) of raw, fried and roasted nuts and kernels for the export and domestic market and distribution to branches, hotels, catering establishment and restaurants.

Certificate number: LB-10052-FSMS

Certificate Expiry Date:  10 May 2024